- Early on in graduate school, I invested in the book “How to Write a Lot“. I enjoyed reading it–mostly because I (mistakenly) enjoyed thinking to myself, “hey, I bet as soon as I finish this book, I’m going to start being super productive!” But I can save you the $9 and tell you there’s really only one take-home point: schedule writing like any other activity, and stick to your schedule no matter what. Though, having said that, I don’t really do that myself. I find I tend to write about 20 hours a week on average. On a very good day, I manage to get a couple of thousand words written, but much more often, I get 200 words written that I then proceed to rewrite furiously and finally trash in frustration. But it all adds up in the long run I guess.
- Some people are good at writing one thing at a time; they can sit down for a week and crank out a solid draft of a paper without every looking sideways at another project. Personally, unless I have a looming deadline (and I mean a real deadline–more on that below), I find that impossible to do; my general tendency is to work on one writing project for an hour or two, and then switch to something else. Otherwise I pretty much lose my mind. I also find it helps to reward myself–i.e., I’ll work on something I really don’t want to do for an hour, and then
play video games for a whileswitch to writing something more pleasant. Continue reading
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- Personality and Sheltering-in-place during the Pandemic – Tal Yarkoni (Unique—Like Everybody Else)
- Who Supports Freedom of Speech? Tolerance vs. Prejudice – Tal Yarkoni (Unique—Like Everybody Else)
- Who Uses Drugs and Why? – Tal Yarkoni (Unique—Like Everybody Else)
- Why Religious People are Less Likely to Own Cats – Tal Yarkoni (Unique—Like Everybody Else)
- Thoughts on “Ego Depletion” and Some Related Issues Concerning Replication – Tal Yarkoni (funderstorms)
- The Real and Fake Faces of Personality’s ‘Big One’ – Tal Yarkoni (Unique—Like Everybody Else)
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- citation needed by Tal Yarkoni
- funderstorms by David Funder
- Person X Situation by Carol Tweten
- pigee by Brent Roberts
- Psych Your Mind coordinated by Michael Kraus
- Secrets of Longevity by Howard Friedman
- Sherman's Head by Ryne Sherman
- sometimes i'm wrong by Simine Vazire
- The Desk Reject Recent content on The Desk Reject
- The Hardest Science by Sanjay Srivastava
- The personality sentences by Jonathan Gerber
- The Trait-State Continuum by Brent Donnellan
- Unique—Like Everybody Else by Scott McGreal
Association for Research in Personality
The views expressed in blog posts and other articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association for Research in Personality.