
ARP 2025 Preconferences

We are happy to announce that ARP will host two full-day preconferences on Thursday, June 26. Please see below for more details about each:
Idiographics and Nomothetics in Personality Science
Organizers: Emorie D Beck ( and Karl-Heinz Renner (

Please email with any questions.

We invite all interested in the study of the person in personality science to the “Idiographics and Nomothetics in Personality Science Preconference.” This full day preconference will take place on the first day of the Association for Research in Personality (ARP) biannual conference on Thursday, June 26th. Personality is characterized by intraindividual processes that unfold within individuals and interindividual differences in the way those processes unfold. Focusing on person-specific versus more general aspects of these processes is often summarized as the distinction between idiographic and nomothetic approaches. This preconference aims to critically engage with this historic distinction, its implications for the field (e.g., what kinds of inferences are appropriate), and its relevance to diversity, equity, and inclusion in personality. During the preconference, there will be an overview session to orient attendees to key issues, an early career data blitz, a panel discussion/debate, and a hackathon on bottom-up integration in personality science (track 1) or a workshop on person-specific methods (track 2). We are accepting open submissions for early career data blitz presentations (6-minute slots) and nominations for the panel discussion/debate (due March 23). 

Developmental and Social Contexts of Relationships

Organizers: Eleanor Junkins ( and Jennifer Piemonte (

We cordially invite researchers interested in advancing contextualized psychology of personality and close relationships to the “Developmental and Social Contexts of Relationships Preconference.” The meeting will take place on the first day of the conference for the Association for Research in Personality, on Thursday, June 26th. This preconference is organized around the goal of bringing scholars together to share, discuss, and foster research on personality and relationships (including but not limited to romantic partners, families, friends, peers, and close others) from approaches that emphasize developmental contexts (e.g., longitudinal research) and/or social contexts (e.g., identity; cultural factors; other structural factors). During the preconference, there will be roundtable discussion, data blitz presentations, mini keynotes, and two hands-on methods tutorials: one on a method to examine within-person fluctuation and a second on a method derived from an intersectional framework that estimates group-based deviations from the average effect (note: we encourage those who wish to participate to bring their personal laptops with R installed). We are accepting open submissions for mini keynote talks (15- and 25-minute slots) and data blitz presentations (7-minute slots) (due March 30).