
ARP Service Award

The ARP Service Award is presented biennially to recognize extraordinary service to the organization. The ARP Executive Board established this award in 2013. More info is available on the Service Award page.

Early Career Award

The ARP Early Career Award, established in 2017, is presented biennially to recognize exceptional early career accomplishments in personality research. To be eligible for the award, a nominee must be between 5 and 10 years post-Ph.D. and have an exemplary record of research in personality. This award has been generously endowed by Richard W. Robins and Oliver P. John.  More information is available on the Early Career Award page.

Emerging Scholar Award

The Emerging Scholar Award, established in 2018, is presented biennially to recognize exceptionally high quality work from emerging personality psychologists. To be eligible for the award, nominees must be a graduate student or have received their PhD within the previous five years. More information is available on the Emerging Scholar Award page.

Tanaka Dissertation Award

The J.S. Tanaka Personality Dissertation Award is presented annually to recognize an outstanding dissertation concerning personality. The award was established to honor the memory of Jeff Tanaka and his numerous contributions to the empirical study of personality. To be eligible, applicants must have completed their dissertation within the previous year. More information is available on the Tanaka Award page.

Murray-Helson Award

The Murray-Helson Award recognizes distinguished contributions to the study of individual lives and whole persons. The winner is selected every other year by a joint committee that includes representatives from both ARP and the Personological Society. More information is available on the Murray-Helson Award page.

Poster Award

The ARP Poster Awards are presented biennially to recognize excellent posters presented by graduate students or postdoctoral students at the ARP conference. A team of ARP members selects the best poster and a runner up poster from each poster session. More information is available on the Poster Award page.

Early Career Travel Award

ARP is dedicated to supporting early career scholars and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in personality psychology. With these goals in mind, ARP created the Early Career Travel Award in 2018. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are eligible to apply for the award. Awardees are selected on the basis of both their diversity statement and their academic record. The award supports free registration to the ARP or ECP conference, as well as a stipend to help cover conference-related travel costs. More information is available on the Early Career Travel Award page.