SPSP Personality Conference 2000


Thursday, February 3, 2000


Keynote Speaker:  Robert Hogan (Univ. of Tulsa)

Reinventing Personality


SYMPOSIUM I:  Emerging Perspectives in Personality


Lisa Feldman Barrett (Boston College)        

Personality and Emotion:  The Conceptual Value of Variations in Emotion Structure


Brent Roberts, (University of Illinois)

What if personality traits change in adulthood?  


Laura King, (Southern Methodist University)

Lost and Found Possible Selves: The role of what might have been in subjective well-being and personality development.


Robert Krueger, (University of Minnesota)

Personality is a vital construct in the study of pressing social problems: The perspective of epidemiological personology



Introduction of new society:  Watson, Funder, Norem


SYMPOSIUM II:  Autobiographical Memory and Personality:  Breaking New Ground in Content, Context and Function


Barbara Woike (Barnard College)

The role of personality motives in determining the content and structure of autobiographical memory


Avril Thorne and Kate McLean (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz)

Context and consequences of telling self-defining memories in adolescence


Jennifer Pals, (Univ. of California-Berkeley) and Richard Robins (University of California, Davis)

Positive self-transformation in autobiographical memory:  Findings from two longitudinal studies


Jefferson Singer (Connecticut College)

Cultural and Functional Aspects of Autobiographical Memories


SYMPOSIUM III:  Type Theory in Personality


Richard Robins (Univ. of California, Davis)

Personality Types, Subtypes, and Their Behavioral Implications


Oliver P. John (Univ. of California, Berkeley)

Three personality types in women: Antecedents and life paths


Daniel Hart (Rutgers University)

Personality type and educational achievement


Per Gjerde (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Life paths from preschool through young adulthood: A study of developmental types


Chris Fraley (University of California, Davis)

Reconsidering personality types



Conference organizer: Julie Norem