P: The Online Newsletter for Personality Science
Issue 1, Spring 2007
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Remembering Memphis
Geraldine Downey Keynote Address ARP 2007

by Will Fleeson

ARP was delighted to have Dr. Gerldine Downey of Columbia University present the keynote address, "Personality Processes That Harm and Help Relationships". Her outstanding research set the tone for the three themes of the conference, providing an excellent example of how research in Personality Psychology has grown to become integrated, mature, and relevant. Over the years, Dr. Downey has brought a considerable amount of evidence to bear on the pathways that lead from Rejection Sensitivity to relationships outcomes (and vice versa). Her talk summarized this work in a thoroughly fascinating and convincing manner, that was impressive in at least three regards. First, the research integrated a sweeping array of variables, demonstrating a commitment to understanding the phenomenon, rather than to a particular methodology or approach. Accordingly, her variables included situations, developmental history, stable characteristics, expectations, neurology, affect, behavior, and ultimately relationship outcomes.

Second, the evidence was systematic and comprehensive: Dr. Downey described a step-by-step account of the underlying psychological processes involved in rejection sensitivity in relationships. Many important psychological phenomena are likely to proceed along complex chains of events, and serious progress in personality is going to require the kind of determined and thorough investigation that she has accomplished.

Finally, Dr. Downey's presentation bridged both basic science and applied science. Her findings identified basic processes of social interactions, yet they also had important applications for relationships and mental health. In sum, Dr. Downey's work illustrates one excellent model for integrated, mature, and relevant personality research in the future, making it an outstanding keynote for ARP 2007.

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