P: The Online Newsletter for Personality Science
Issue 1, Spring 2007
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Graduate Student Corner

Welcome to the first P graduate student corner! Every issue this space will feature information of interest to graduate students including:

Send any announcements you would like us to post to arpnewsletter@gmail.com!

NEW YORK CITY: Postdoctoral Psychology Fellow, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry – The Family Studies Research Center in the Department of Psychiatry of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine has a two-year postdoctoral fellowship position in our research program in autism and related disorders. The fellow will participate with other postdoctoral fellows in closely related projects in a mentor-based training program with core faculty. The Family Studies Research Center is primarily oriented toward the identification and refinement of phenotypes for genetically complex psychiatric disorders, in particular, autism, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Such phenotypes are then available to serve molecular genetic studies seeking to identify vulnerability genes for these disorders. In autism, we are studying a variety of personality traits and candidate neuropsychological endophenotypes (e.g. those pertaining to executive functions) in affected and unaffected family members as well as controls. Competitive candidates will have a Ph.D. in clinical, developmental, personality psychology or a related field and a strong research background and interest in pursuing an academic career. Interested applicants should forward a CV, representative manuscripts, statement of interests and future goals, and three letters of recommendation to: Jeremy M. Silverman, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Box 1230, One Gustave L. Levy Place, or email materials to jeremy.silverman@mssm.edu. Mount Sinai is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minority group members are encouraged to apply.

ONE-YEAR VISITING FACULTY POSITIONS. The Department of Psychology at Tulane University invites applications for two full-time visiting assistant professors for the 2007-2008 academic year. Additional details may be found on our website at http://psych.tulane.edu

Successful candidates will teach three undergraduate courses each semester; these courses will include introductory psychology and courses in the successful candidates' specific areas of expertise. The Department is especially interested in applicants who can teach general survey courses such as Brain & Behavior, Adolescent Psychology, Family Psychology, Personality, Social Psychology, or Child Psychology. Ph.D. by September 1, 2007 required.

Tulane University is a private, urban university offering bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees in Psychology. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and two letters of recommendation to Chair, Department of Psychology, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Applications are encouraged by June 1, 2007, but will be considered until the positions are filled. Applicants from under-represented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. TULANE UNIVERSITY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER.


Get involved! Go to http://listserv.uiuc.edu/archives/arpgrads-l.html to sign up for the new ARP Graduate Student Listserve.

Graduate Committee Report

In order to increase graduate student involvement in ARP, the executive committee decided to begin a graduate committee. In the past month, this committee has taken shape. In an email to the student members of ARP, I asked 3 questions:

(1) Would you be interested in serving on the ARP graduate committee?
We now have a formal graduate committee consisting of myself, Josh Jackson, and Jennifer Fayard from UIUC, Shannon Holleran from the Unviersity of Arizona, and Elizabeth Tenney from the University of Virginia. We plan to have online meetings using an instant messaging service every other month.

(2) Would you be interested in a graduate student listserve?
We now have a listserve available for graduate students to discuss research and ideas as well as to announce jobs, postdocs, fellowships, grants, etc. To subscribe to this listserve please visit http://listserv.uiuc.edu/archives/arpgrads-l.html. To post to the listserve please email arpgrads-l@listserv.uiuc.edu.

(3) What are your ideas on how we can increase student involvement in ARP?
A number of ideas were suggested including starting the listserve and having a section in P dedicated to graduate student issues – both of which we have acted on. Other ideas to consider for the future include (1) having ARP graduate student social events at both the ARP meeting and during SPSP and (2) have a graduate student symposium during the ARP conference.

Let us know if you have any other ideas by emailing the listserve!

Jennifer Lodi-Smith

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