P: The Online Newsletter for Personality Science
Issue 2, January 2008
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News & Announcements

If you have any news that you would like to include in the next issue of P, please forward it on to us at arpnewsletter@gmail.com.


The 14th Meeting of the European Association of Personality Psychology will be held on July 16-20, 2008, in Tartu, Estonia. Information about the meeting program, registration, and accommodations are available at: http://www.ecp14.ee/

Job Postings

Amherst College

Keiter Postdoctoral Fellowship in Psychology, Amherst College:

Amherst's Robert E. Keiter 1957 Fund for Postdoctoral Fellows, with matching funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, supports exceptionally promising young scholars for two years of half-time teaching (one course each semester) and half-time research at the College. As part of the Keiter Fellowship program, Amherst will appoint a postdoctoral fellow as a Visiting Assistant Professor in Psychology for the academic years 2008-2010. This Keiter Postdoctoral Fellowship is a full-time salaried appointment that is open only to those who will have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. by September 2008 and who have not already held a regular faculty appointment.

We welcome applications from candidates in any area of specialization.

In addition to their teaching duties, Keiter Fellows may help with course development, foster interdisciplinarity, and introduce new pedagogies. The program is designed to provide fellows with valuable teaching experience and time to complete and publish their research prior to seeking full-time tenure-track positions; fellows are encouraged to pursue their independent research programs vigorously and have all of Amherst's facilities and a modest research allowance to assist them. The Keiter Fellow in Psychology will be assigned a primary mentor in the department and will be encouraged to attend orientation programs and special mentoring events for assistant professors at Amherst. Keiter Fellows are not asked to serve as academic advisors, although they may act as thesis advisors if appropriate student projects emerge that are consonant with their own scholarship and long-term professional interests.

Applicants should send a cover letter, a curriculum vitae (to include a description of courses taught), a sample of written work, and two letters of reference to: Keiter Fellow Search, Department of Psychology, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002. Review will continue until the position is filled. Applications received by February 15 will receive full consideration.

Amherst College is a private undergraduate liberal arts college for men and women, with 1,600 students and 200 faculty members. Located in the Connecticut River Valley of western Massachusetts, Amherst participates with Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts in the Five-College Consortium.

Amherst College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages women, persons of color, and persons with disabilities to apply. The administration, faculty, and student body are committed to attracting qualified candidates from groups presently underrepresented on our campus.

Northwestern University

Assistant Chair and Lecturer

THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, invites applications for a full-time non-tenure-track two-year renewable lectureship position. This position (Assistant Chair and Lecturer) will comprise half-time administration and half-time teaching (three courses per year, one each quarter) and will start preferably on August 1 but not later than September 1, 2008. Required: PhD in psychology, superior administrative ability and outstanding teaching ability. Please send a statement of interest, curriculum vitae, administrative credentials, and teaching reviews to Lecturer Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-2711, USA. Also ask three referees to write directly to the Search Committee. Queries may be addressed to David Doyle at d-doyle@northwestern.edu. E-mail applications will be accepted. See Psychology Department webpage (www.psych.northwestern.edu). Applications complete by February 28, 2008 will receive priority. AA/EOE. The department particularly welcomes applications from women and members of minority groups.


THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, invites applications for a full-time non-tenure-track two-year renewable lectureship position. This position will comprise full-time teaching (six one-quarter courses per year) to start September 1, 2008. Ph.D. required; substantial teaching experience preferred. The ideal candidate will be qualified to teach statistics, research methods, advanced statistics/methods courses, and introduction to psychology. Please send a statement of interest, curriculum vitae, and evidence of teaching effectiveness to Lecturer Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-2711, USA. Also ask three referees to write directly to the Search Committee. Queries may be addressed to David Doyle at d-doyle@northwestern.edu. E-mail applications will be accepted. See Psychology Department webpage (www.psych.northwestern.edu). Applications complete by February 28, 2008 will receive priority. AA/EOE. The department particularly welcomes applications from women and members of minority groups.

Book Announcements
Announcing the Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology edited by Rick Robins, Chris Fraley, and Bob Krueger. Visit Guilford Press for details about the contents of the book and for information on ordering.
Announcing a new textbook, Individual Differences and Personality, by Michael Ashton. Please see this link to Elsevier for details, for excerpts, and for ordering information.
Announcing Persons in Context: Building a Science of the Individual edited by Yuichi Shoda, Daniel Cervone, and Geraldine Downey. Visit Guilford Press for details about the contents of the book and for information on ordering.
Announcing The Q-Sort in Character Appraisal: Encoding Subjective Impressions of Persons Quantitatively by Jack Block. Visit APA Books for details about the contents of the book and for information on ordering.
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