As part of an upcoming special issue of the Journal of Research in Personality, we are looking for very brief contributions (i.e., maximum of 500 words) about the legacy of the person-situation debate and the future of person-situation integration in personality psychology. The objective is to obtain a range of perspectives about what might be the single most important issue in personality psychology. We are interested in reflections about where field has been with respect to the person-situation debate and where the field should go in terms of person-situation integration.
If you are interested in submitting an essay, please email a brief "letter of interest" to Brent Donnellan describing the proposed content of your essay by October 1. We will use these letters to judge the level of interest and to select essay writers. Those selected to contribute will be notified by Oct 15 and will have until December 1 to provide a draft of their final essay. All of the brief essays will be edited for clarity and accuracy. Because of the unusual and short nature of these essays, authorship credit may not follow normal traditions. We will inform authors of exact procedures in the invitations. The special issue should appear in April of 2009 and will mark the 40th anniversary of the publication of Personality and Assessment by presenting a provocative and engaging set of articles that are broadly concerned with traits, situations, and their integration.
--Brent Donnellan, Richard Lucas, & William Fleeson
Guest Editors for the Special Issue of JRP